Starting New!

Starting New!

So I’m newish to coding. I made a complete career 360 and attended a coding bootcamp in January 2017. Shortly after finishing up my bootcamp, I landed my first front-end web developer job. Now I’m currently working as a contractor for a bank and training as a web developer. I still have SOOOO much to learn and will be sharing my experience on this blog!

I decided to build this blog through Github Pages and Jekyll. I forked over an existing jekyll theme into my repository on my gh-pages branch and made some changes to the CSS files to customize it. This blog really is a work in progress and something I will be updating while I continue to learn different programming languages. Although, I’d say I have a pretty solid foundation on the concepts and languages I learned throughout coding bootcamp, I’m still trying to naildown javascript. If I’m being completely honest I enjoy backend development more and Ruby was the main programming language I learned throughout the course.

I’m hoping this blog will remind me to continue finishing up the projects I’ve wanted to complete for a few months now and just hold me accountable. That’s all I have for today! I’ll organize and update this soon.